Cordova iOS app contacting for no reason

Hi all,

I’m currently trying to figure out, why my meteor cordova app (client) is obviously trying to contact the url mentioned above. I suspect, that this request is related to usage of @paulishca 's meteor-push package and the included firebase packages and/or the cordova push plugin. I have no other tracking or push functionality installed.

Since all I need from firebase is push functionality, I’d really like to make sure that I prevent unnecessary connections to (in older versions I can also find connections to

If someone’s got a hint I’d really appreciate that.

The package.js on a package shows clearly what Cordova packages are in use.

That’s true. Do you have an idea which of those could possibly be sending the mentioned requests? And can you agree that those requests should not be necessary for push functionality?

There is no intention in this package to send anything to Google other than push messages.
Cordova is … a lot of Javascript. It could be that firebase (for client) does that, but I don’t thing so).

There is also a possibility that the client uses google service at the “HTML level” such as google analytics (e.g. react-ga)

There is also a possibility that the client loads google products such as maps, youtube etc … which yes, would do calls to analytics.

I’m convinced that there is no intention of the package to send stuff to google (other than push). Neither do I intend to do so. However, using a MITM proxy, there’s clearly traffic coming from the app.

I have no dependencies related to google services, analytics or any other stuff that might be google-related.

If anyone has some experience with this I’d be really grateful. Generally speaking, I really like the feeling of having control over what my project is doing, even if I depend on other packages.

Edit: I’m really not an expert on all the details for the push mechanism, but is it correct, that there is technically no need for the client to contact fcm-server / google in order to generate a push token (which is then stored on my prod server)?

The FCM server is the token provider for the client.

Example for the web (client)

import { initializeApp } from 'firebase/app'
import { getMessaging, getToken, onMessage, deleteToken, isSupported } from 'firebase/messaging'

const webApp = initializeApp(configuration.firebase)
 this.messaging = getMessaging(webApp)

getToken(this.messaging, { vapidKey: configuration.publicVapidKey }).then(token => {
  this.log('Calling subscribe')
  if (token) {
    WebPushEventState.emit('token', token)
  } else {
    // deviceStorage.setItem('lastSubscriptionMessage', 'No Instance ID token available. Request permission to generate one.')
}).catch(err => {
  this.log('Error on subscription: ', err)
  this.log('WebPush error when asking for permission', interpretError(err))
  deviceStorage.setItem('lastSubscriptionMessage', interpretError(err))

configuration.publicVapidKey and configuration.firebase have the identity of your project so that Google knows for which project a device receives a token for (since 1 device can receive 100 tokens from FCM for 100 different apps)

The same applies for Cordova:

 this.push = PushNotification.init(configuration) // PushNotification is a global vad coming from cordova-push package.

this.push.on('registration', data => { //... you get data.registrationId as token })

Client needs to contact FCM and needs to do it pretty often in case a token has been refreshed by FCM (tokens are not forever … like diamonds :slight_smile: )

Ok, that sounds 100% plausible. However, the urls (“firebaselogging-pa…” and “app-measurement…”), just from their names, don’t directly relate to push services.
Are these the official fcm urls to contact for a client to get its token? (aka diamond :wink: )

They usually look like

Maybe you can run the project in web and/or debug with Chrome where you have the Network tab and see who initiates the call to what you are interested.

Ok, I guess I found the line where the firebaselogging-pa is located. It is part of the GoogleDataTransport pod, which shows up in my build meteor project. Namely, the url is a shuffled a bit, so it can’t be directly found. Here’s the code from GTDCOREndpoints.m:

#import "GoogleDataTransport/GDTCORLibrary/Public/GoogleDataTransport/GDTCOREndpoints.h"

static NSString *const kINTServerURL =

@implementation GDTCOREndpoints

+ (NSDictionary<NSNumber *, NSURL *> *)uploadURLs {
  // These strings should be interleaved to construct the real URL. This is just to (hopefully)
  // fool github URL scanning bots.
  static NSURL *CCTServerURL;
  static dispatch_once_t CCTOnceToken;
  dispatch_once(&CCTOnceToken, ^{
    const char *p1 = "hts/frbslgiggolai.o/0clgbth";
    const char *p2 = "tp:/ieaeogn.ogepscmvc/o/ac";
    const char URL[54] = {p1[0],  p2[0],  p1[1],  p2[1],  p1[2],  p2[2],  p1[3],  p2[3],  p1[4],
                          p2[4],  p1[5],  p2[5],  p1[6],  p2[6],  p1[7],  p2[7],  p1[8],  p2[8],
                          p1[9],  p2[9],  p1[10], p2[10], p1[11], p2[11], p1[12], p2[12], p1[13],
                          p2[13], p1[14], p2[14], p1[15], p2[15], p1[16], p2[16], p1[17], p2[17],
                          p1[18], p2[18], p1[19], p2[19], p1[20], p2[20], p1[21], p2[21], p1[22],
                          p2[22], p1[23], p2[23], p1[24], p2[24], p1[25], p2[25], p1[26], '\0'};
    CCTServerURL = [NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:URL]];

  static NSURL *FLLServerURL;
  static dispatch_once_t FLLOnceToken;
  dispatch_once(&FLLOnceToken, ^{
    const char *p1 = "hts/frbslgigp.ogepscmv/ieo/eaybtho";
    const char *p2 = "tp:/ieaeogn-agolai.o/1frlglgc/aclg";
    onst char URL[69] = {p1[0],  p2[0],  p1[1],  p2[1],  p1[2],  p2[2],  p1[3],  p2[3],  p1[4],
                          p2[4],  p1[5],  p2[5],  p1[6],  p2[6],  p1[7],  p2[7],  p1[8],  p2[8],
                          p1[9],  p2[9],  p1[10], p2[10], p1[11], p2[11], p1[12], p2[12], p1[13],
                          p2[13], p1[14], p2[14], p1[15], p2[15], p1[16], p2[16], p1[17], p2[17],
                          p1[18], p2[18], p1[19], p2[19], p1[20], p2[20], p1[21], p2[21], p1[22],
                          p2[22], p1[23], p2[23], p1[24], p2[24], p1[25], p2[25], p1[26], p2[26],
                          p1[27], p2[27], p1[28], p2[28], p1[29], p2[29], p1[30], p2[30], p1[31],
                          p2[31], p1[32], p2[32], p1[33], p2[33], '\0'};
    FLLServerURL = [NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:URL]];

The original source is GoogleDataTransport/GDTCOREndpoints.m at main · google/GoogleDataTransport · GitHub

@paulishca I’m currently using a fork of your repo, relying on havesource/corodva-plugin-push with dependencies like below. Those GoogleTransport / Firebase pods come from that plugin right?

  "firebase-admin": "11.4.1",
  firebase: "9.1.0",
  events: "3.3.0",

  "cordova-plugin-device": "2.0.3",

I also came across this discussion, but the the suggested solution (set FirebaseDataCollectionDefaultEnabled to false) does not prevent the client from contacting firebaselogging-pa