Cordova Meteor Blank screen

I have a Meteor Web Application, which I Tried to run on Android Device, to run I have added Platform and used
meteor run android-device, for which I got a message that states
_error detecting ip address for mobile app to connect to , found multiple network interfaces with non-internal ipv4 address _,, please specify the address that mobile app should connect to with --mobile-server

then I ran
meteor run android-device --mobile-server
after a few seconds app got installed into the connected android device, after the splash screen a Blank white screen appeared. and nothing happened after that, I have inspected the mobile in chrome inspect tab , there was no error but a log as device ready has not fired after 5 seconds.
and angular app is not initialized.

but I thought that mobile server is not working , I tried giving the link in the connected mobiles chrome browser, I got my app started on the chrome browser.
Dunno what the issue is , What ever I triend doing I got the same Blank screen with no Errors :sweat:

Pls Help me on this @martijnwalraven Thank you :slight_smile:

It sounds like you’re encountering this problem, as reported in Meteor’s GitHub Issue Tracker:

There’s a fix included in that issue – do you mind trying it out and see if it works for you?

Hai @abernix Thanks for the Quick reply.

We are not using InAppBrowser in our cordova meteor project.

is there a reason why my meteor cordova mobile app doesn’t start the angular app…

and no Error logs.

Thank you