Cordova + Meteor

i have set up ANDROID_HOME variable but it is not working. And i have installed android studio v 2.3.1.

When you run tools/android.bat, what does it say?

In this screenshot, you can see the SDK for 7.1.1 is listed as installed.

@regular_human see it.

Yeah, I experienced this, for whatever reason Meteor doesn’t like it when you install the SDK from Android Studio, you need to install it from the SDK Tools instead.

Try this:

  1. Uninstall Android Studio, delete the current SDK and tools directy (remove everything to start over)
  2. Download ONLY the SDK Tools 25.2.x
  3. Unzip, run tools/android.bat, which loads the SDK manager
  4. Install SDKs and tools to a directory of your choice, without whitespace
  5. Update ANDROID_HOME variable

Then next time you install Android Studio (unckecking the SDK option), the setup wizard will ask you where you installed the SDK.

okay i will let u know @regular_human

i am getting this error!!! @regular_human

@av007 Do you have git command line installed?

it is working now. thanks @regular_human

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@av007 Sure, anytime.