Cordova support waning, Capacitor is more popular?


I saw today that RevenueCat’s Cordova plugin is marked as deprecated. RevenueCat is a very popular subscription and analytics tool. It seems they are advising people to switch to Capacitor.

Does Meteor have any plans to do the same? I see some mention of it at Roadmap | Docs


Capacitor is definitely on the roadmap, alongside other priorities. We need to give more attention to one of the key tools that defines Meteor: the ability to deploy web apps across multiple platforms. Currently, Cordova handles this, and while it’s still enough for many projects, it becomes limiting over time, similar to the limitations we faced with older Node versions in Meteor 2. Unlocking Capacitor will keep us modern and enable the creation of more powerful hybrid apps. When it comes to maintenance and modern plugins, Capacitor is the tool.

Adding Capacitor would be a great step forward for Meteor and we are definitely willing to work on it as part of future work. Our current focus is on Meteor 3 performance, Change Streams, and TypeScript, check out this post. Adopting a modern bundler might come after that. Ideally, Capacitor would be adopted around the same time or soon after.

In the meantime, at least maintenance updates will be perserved on the plugin you mention, RevenueCat/cordova-plugin-purchases. Although it appears the plugin sets a deadline for users on August 31st, 2026 due to Google´s deprecation on billing client.