I am using Cordova plugins that do not support Bitcode, so I always have to manually set the EnableBitocde build settings to false.
I’m trying to find an automated way to do this. There is a promising npm package available here:
This package itself requires the npm packages xcode, cordova-lib and cordova-common. So I tried to set-up a custom Meteor package like this:
"xcode": "0.8.2",
"cordova-lib": "5.4.1",
"cordova-common": "1.0.0"
"cordova-plugin-disable-bitcode": "https://github.com/akofman/cordova-plugin-disable-bitcode/tarball/f67c76703bed45eefa4b69828abcf7fa145f2cab"
However, this does not work. The npm packages are downloaded, but the Cordova packages does not have access to them, it complains that it cannot find the xcode package (“Error: Cannot find module ‘xcode’”). Is there a trick to allow a Cordova build package to have access to certain npm packages?
Adding an Npm.require(‘xcode’) between the Npm.depends() and Cordova.depends() did not work, as Npm.require() only finds built-in npm modules if called inside package.js.