Could I access helper in other helper in the same template?

Could I access helper in other helper in the same template?

   dataA: function(){
      return data;
   dataB: function(){
      let callA = this.dataA();

Please help me.

Probably no elegant solution.

Checkout the ViewModel package.
so you can do:

 A: function(){return data;},
 B: function(){ let callA = this.A();}

exactly what you are looking for. A & B could be used as standard helper in Blaze.

Thanks for your reply, but I never use viewModel.

you can access it, but I would suggest put that functionality in normal function into onCreated element.
And helper to just call it - so you can call it from both helpers, without need to access it hacky way.
If you really have to call it directly, here you go


Could I use

var instance = Template.instance();
instance .__helpers.get('nameOfHelper')();