Could I get some advice on getting a Jquery lib working on my site please? :)

I have been running around this problem for a week now, and can’t seem to wrap my head around it. I would like to add a medium-like editor to my site, and have so far added successfully for inline text editing.

Now I would like to add a plugin to this: which piggy-backs off of the previous package.

I cannot for the life of me get this to work. I don’t think I’m proficient enough to create a true meteor-friendly package for this, I keep reading the guides and they don’t make much sense to me. I’ve tried downloading dependencies, adding the code to the client/lib/compatibility folder, wrapping it in onRendered() functions, etc. Nothing is getting the job done.

Does anyone have any advice or could point me in the right direction to make this work? I would greatly appreciate it :smile:

You have any code to show? Perhaps some error messages?

So if I put the .js files in client folder and run it, I get “Handlebars.template is not a function”. I can clear that message if I wrap the code in “onPageRendered” tags, but the functionality will not work.

You can see how the plugin is supposed to function here:
Notice when you hit enter to create new paragraph, a (+) symbol appears to add media files. This occurs as < p > tags are generated with class=“medium-insert-active”

On my website, when I try to duplicate that feature, < p > tags are genereated but do not have that injected class name. Is this perhaps a jquery issue?