Could I sum of "price" in template "{{#each data}}"?

I would like to sum of amount with spacebar in {{#each data}} like this

<template name="myTpl">
   {{#each data}}
      <li>{{item}} | {{qty}} | {{price}} | {{amount}}
       // calculate sum of amount
   Total {{sum of amount}} // echo sum that calculate above

  data: function(){
    return data; // array of object

I’d store the sum on the data collection itself. You can take advantage of Mongo’s collection transform to calculte the sum on the server side.

in meteor 1.2 u can use let to set variables

what do you mean by this?

I’m not 100% sure, but can’t you just do something like this?

Notice the {{total}} helper.
You where also missing the closing </li>

<template name="myTpl">
       {{#each data}}
          <li>{{item}} | {{qty}} | {{price}} | {{amount}}</li>
           // calculate sum of amount
   Total {{total}} // echo sum that calculate above

Be sure to replace the “myCollection” with your collection.

    data: function(){
        return data; // array of object
    total: function() {
        var sum = 0;
        var cursor = MyCollection.find();

            sum = sum + doc.price

        return sum; // return total

Hope this helps.

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When you use each, it changes the context of this to be the current item you’re iterating over. Therefore, you can use a helper.

  total: function () {
    return this.qty * this.price * this.amount;
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Thanks for all reply. I tried to use

var sum = 0;
        var cursor = MyCollection.find();

            sum = sum + doc.price

        return sum; // return total

but I think that it is slow ,if I have many records (because it loop twice).

It is not so slow. Do not afraid of Collection.find() or .find().fetch() in helpers. You just should worry about a huge rerenders on a client side because of the main realy slow thing is DOM manipulation.

I do this on the Meteor.method() to generate report.

I suggest you use collection hooks on the server side to calculate the sums for your documents and store it in each document.