Hi there!
I want my app to create some file which will contain some data from opened page. I see that I can export data for example in CSV, but I don’t want to do that (not download, just only “store” and send that). I really want to do is:
Click the button: Send an email
That email should have a message (text) and attachement which will have the data from the page when my button was clicked (I have something like invoices tables).
I’ve done sending an email with “email” package, but I can’t send an attachment with that package. I saw “sendgrid” package which allow me to send an attachment but… can I send a created file there? If I can how to do that?
If somebody has better option here, please let me know
Sorry: I wasn’t being dismissive, I was just offering that as a potential way to move forward .
I would imagine it’s possible to save a PDF in a base-64 string, which would make it feasible to generate on the client directly from the page. However, I have not done this, so I may be completely off base .