I am trying get the user by his Meteor.loginToken from localStorage.
I am passing that token to a node server which will use it to authenticate the request against the meteor app. Therefore the node server passes the token within a method call to the meteor server.
On Meteor side I try to lookup the token and return the user if found using the following code (from bulletproof meteor):
const hashedToken = token && Accounts._hashLoginToken(token)
const selector = {'services.resume.loginTokens.hashedToken': hashedToken}
const options = {fields: {_id: 1, username: 1}}
const user = Meteor.users.findOne(selector, options)
return (user)? user._id : null
This creates the follwoing hashed token:
token: haywOldOASAvOfhG8K4lwLtcfVpxKIDlHC79OreZ4YF
hashedToken: YTXzxL49YA4OjZOMY31d/H9wBf4SXOIoye8qWIhB+ok
loginToken in Database: GnRf3+Pj6vWVLdLYsQbw4MBFYnuhiIxO/0M8nVGBDtw=
Is there any salt used to generate the tokens in the database? I could not find anything about this…
Thanks a very lot