createdAt does not return the value/date is not displayed in component

first let me apologize for very basic question, but I am unable to figure it out - let me please know, what is wrong here:

I have component from meteor (react) guide:

App = React.createClass({
getMeteorData() {
return {
tasks: Tasks.find({}).fetch() }
renderTasks() {
return => {
return ;

And I want to display task text {task.text} and also task’s date {task.createdAt} - but when passed to child component via props:

Task = React.createClass({

propTypes: {
task: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired
render() {
return (

  • {} - {this.props.task}

  • );

    it does not show the date. What am I doing wrong here ?

    Thank you very much in advance!