help I just need the users who are registered with the role free then I need them according to the difference obtained from the subtraction if the two days went by then I command to reset everything again.
I’m trying to get results that at the moment of spending 6 hours all the parameters that each user has to restart
through cronJobs I also analyze if we say that 48 hours passed, then they are free roles
and restable the invitations
but it is not working for me, I do not know why, if someone could help me, I would be very grateful
timer2: function(timer) {
// try {
var sender = Meteor.users.aggregate([
{ $match: { roles:‘free’}}
if (!sender) {
for (var i = 0; i < sender.length; i++) {
var result = Invitation.find({sender_id: sender[i]._id}).fetch();
var data = ControlInvitaciones.find({}).fetch();
var data_aceptadas = data[0].aceptadas;
var data_enviadas = data[0].enviadas;
var tiempo1 = data[0].tiempo;
var tiempo2 = data[0].tiempo2;
var tzone = sender[i].profile.timezone;
var time_invitaciones = sender[i].profile.send_invitations_time;
var roles = sender[i].roles;
var time_invitaciones_aceptadas = sender[i].profile.AcceptCount_timer;
//var date1 =, tzone).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm');
var date1 = moment(timer, "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm");
var date2 = moment(time_invitaciones, "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm");
var resta = Math.abs(date2.diff(date1, 'hours'));
var date3 = moment(time_invitaciones_aceptadas, "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm");
var restaAceptar = Math.abs(date3.diff(date1, 'hours'));
if (resta !== NaN){
if (resta >= 48 && sender[i].profile.send_invitations_check == true) {
console.log("Tiempos restablecidos",sender[i]._id)
Meteor.users.update({_id : sender[i]._id},{$set : {'profile.send_invitations_time' : "" ,'profile.send_invitations' : 0,'profile.send_invitations_check' : false}});
var message = "You now have available Send Invitations";
var type = "timer";
var otro = "true"
console.log('message',message)"resetTimerPush", sender[i]._id,message,type,otro, function(error, result){
console.log("error", error);
if (restaAceptar >= 24 && sender[i].profile.accept_invitations_check == true) {
console.log("Aceptar tiempos restablecidos")
Meteor.users.update({_id : sender[i]._id},{$set : {'profile.AcceptCount_timer' : "" ,'profile.AcceptCount' : 0,'profile.accept_invitations_check' : false}});
var message = "You now are available to Accept Invitations.";
var type = "timer";
var otro = "true"
console.log('message',message)"resetTimerPush", sender[i]._id,message,type,otro, function(error, result){
console.log("error", error);
if (typeof (sender[i].profile.timerFree) == "undefined" || sender[i].profile.timerFree == ""){
Meteor.users.update({_id : sender[i]._id},{$set : {'profile.timerFree' : new Date}});
var timerFree = new Date
console.log("update timerFree")
} else {
var timerFree = sender[i].profile.timerFree;
console.log("get profile timerFree")
var fecha3 = moment(timer, "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm");
var fecha4 = moment(timerFree, "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm");
var resta2 = Math.abs(fecha4.diff(fecha3, 'hours'));
if (resta2 != NaN){
if (resta2 >= 6) {
console.log("invitaciones removidas")
var otro = "false"
Invitation.remove({sender_id: sender[i]._id});
Meteor.users.update({_id : sender[i]._id},{$set : {'profile.timerFree' : new Date}});
var message = "Your matches and received activities have been reset";
var type = "timer";"resetTimerPush", sender[i]._id,message,type,otro, function(error, result){
console.log("error", error);
resetTimerPush: function(UserID,message,type,checkPush){
console.log(’-------------resetTimerPush function------------’);
var user = Meteor.users.find({_id : UserID}).fetch();
var badge = user[0].profile.badge;
var tzone = user[0].profile.timezone;
var date1 = Date(), tzone).format(‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm’);
var emailData = {
name: user[0],
lastname: user[0].profile.lastname,
enviado: date1,
message: message
if ( checkPush == ‘true’){
from: emailCliente,
subject: “WELCOME To findme”,
html: SSR.render(‘push-email’, emailData),
title : "Apps",
text : message,
from : 'server',
badge: badge,
delayUntil: new Date(),
payload: {
result: UserID,
type : type
image: '',
style: 'inbox',
summaryText: 'There are %n% notifications'
query: {
userId: UserID