Cross referencing rendered DOM elements and their respective database documents

Newb me again with a question about the best method for retrieving references for DOM elements and their corresponding database entries.
For example, in my checkin checkout app I need to be able to retrieve the database id for the employee which was clicked in a list so I can update his/her status boolean in the database.
When I use the following code:{
    'click img': function(){
        console.log("You clicked an indicator."  );
        var clickElement = event.Target;
        var clickOther = event.currentTarget;

    'change textArea': function(){
        console.log("You have changed the text area.");

I receive the following output in console:

How badly have I screwed this up?
Thanks for all of your help!!

Try console.log( or console.log(Blaze.getData())

Getting an undefined and null respectively when using these logs.

And you made your list something like this?

        return Meteor.users.find();
<template name="employeeList">
    {{#each employees}}
        <img src="{{profile.avatar}}">
  nameList: function() {
    var EmployeeListObj = EmployeeStatus.find().fetch();
    return EmployeeListObj;

I just wanted to update the thread here and post that I got it working by adding the ā€˜eā€™ parameter to my function:{
    'click img': function(e){
        //console.log("You clicked an indicator."  );

all event handlers in meteor receive two arguments: the event and which template instance it happened in{
  'click img'(event, instance) {
    // will give you access to the data context
    // to get the actual DOM handle for the clicked img scope the $ to the instance
    var img = instance.$(event.currentTarget);

Thanks for the info Jam!