If I choose to use Vue + Firebase, I know what I need to learn. I need to learn Vue and Firebase.
If I choose to use Meteor, in addition to having to choose and learn a rendering library and a database, I need to learn the Meteor Framework. Now, the framework is not that big if you remove everything you don’t need in order to achieve similar functionality as in Firebase, but to a newcomer, it’s not obvious what can be overlooked. Simply going with Vue and Firebase, and skipping the framework, will be faster.
Using Firebase simply require you to import a single object from a single JavaScript file. Using Meteor requires you to import different things from different files. I’m not saying it’s a totally bad idea, but it does kill my productivity, and it does make my life harder. I would prefer if I didn’t had to spend time on importing stuff from the framework myself.
With Firebase it is very easy for me to inspect my members and my database. I wish it was equally simple in Meteor. There probably exist packages one can use to quite easily add similar functionality in Meteor, but since Meteor has become more abstract and doesn’t force you to use a specific database, I need to lookup the alternatives myself (and all different alternatives needs to be configured in their own special way…). And that’s kind of a red thread in my experience of the development of Meteor; the framework becomes less and less specific, and I as a programmer needs to do/take more and more work/decisions on my own. I wish the framework would do that for me instead.
Publishing a test application that I can share with my friends is free and quite easy using Firebase. With Meteor it’s not free any more, and somehow I need to setup both the database and Meteor application.
Scaling is not something I need to worry about that much using Firebase, in addition to how I structure my database. With Meteor, I need to worry about the database and to make sure that my server code is scaleable (which I guess won’t be such a big deal if I don’t have server specific code in addition to database read/writes)
The special client
and server
folders for client respectively server specific code, such as shown here, makes sense, but in comparison to only having client code, this kind of make Meteor twice as complex.
I’m not saying that Meteor is down the wrong road, but if you don’t need code running on the server, my experience is that Vue + Firebase is way easier. But I’ve now argued from my standpoint. Care to argue for the benefits with Meteor + Vue? Would have been cool to get a comparison.