Hi there,
I am trying to implement my own reset password page. For info, my on my forgotPassword page I am able to send throuth the reset password email
The issue is on the reset password leg of the process.
The issue I am having is Accounts._resetPasswordToken is null or undefined on firefox. The code that detects Accounts._resetPasswordToken and renders my resetPassword page is as follows:
if (Meteor.isClient) {
/*var next = Iron.Location.get().path
if (next == '/privacyPolicy')
var user;
var nextPage;
console.log("Accounts._resetPasswordToken: " + Accounts._resetPasswordToken)
if (typeof(Accounts._resetPasswordToken) != 'undefined' && Accounts._resetPasswordToken != "")
console.log("Routing to resetPassword");
Router.go("resetPassword",{token: Accounts._resetPasswordToken});
Accounts._resetPasswordToken = "";
Router.go(“home”); is executed on firefox. On chrome the resetPassword Page is displayed as expected.
What should I change to make this code work on firefox? Is there maybe a custom implementation of reset password that you know works on firefox as well that you can point me to? Thanks in advance.