Customize login with linkedin

I’m working on a custom login-with-linkedin button. I have accounts-base, accounts-oauth, and pauli:accounts-linkedin packages. I have used the client id and the secret from the linkedin developers site as follows

Meteor.startup(function() {
‘service’: ‘linkedin’,
$set: {
‘clientId’: ‘myClientId’,
‘secret’: ‘mySecret’
upsert: true

In the iron router, I’ve also defined the waitOn function on /login template as follows:

this.route(‘login’, {
path: ‘/login’,
waitOn: function() {

Now, when I click on the button, a pop-up window opens but it doesn’t load the linkedin login page and it says ‘ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED’.

I’ve looked through the URL and I found out ‘client_id=undefined’. Do I need to have any other packages? Am I doing something wrong? I’m running my app on the localhost:3000 as of now. Are there any other configurations I need to make?

Notice clientId is undefined. :wink: Check you’re loading the settings file correctly.