Dashboard templates integrated with Meteor

I just starting a new project and I would like to use a Dashboard template, I would like to know which are the most popular templates out there free or paid. There are many of them in the Internet and I don’t know how to evaluate them from Meteor point of view. Any comment and experience accounts would be very valuable.

Free: AdminLTE, with a few accompanying Meteor packages to support it;
Paid: Pages, with native Meteor support from the author. As a plus - once you’ve bought it, you gain access to private github repo.

But don’t expect React support just yet - most of the templates I’ve checked so far are Angular-centric (if any).

Hey @miro,

Thank you for sharing this. This is what I am really looking for. Well, I would like to ask do we need to add these packages below to our project or only few of them?

  • mfactory:admin-lte
  • dltr:admin-lte
  • tunifight:admin-lte
  • daviator:admin-lte
  • yp2:admin-lte

Hi! I have just read the article. I found out that there are the same thing, but the best one is mfactory:admin-lte. I am decided to use this one. but it said, use this code below to load AdminLTE. My question is where to place this one to?
{{#AdminLTE skin=“green”}}


Hey @somvannda,

I haven’t used any particular package so far (I made my own custom implementation), so I can’t help you much here, sorry.

My wild guess would be that you copy the code from the AdminLTE demo template and put it in your Blaze template like this for example:

<template name="mainMenu">
  {{#AdminLTE skin="green"}}
    <!-- paste HTML code you copied from the AdminLTE template>

I’m happy to add a new option to the mix called Meteor Candy. It’s built just for Meteor and works with it out of the box. It’s also really easy to add your own data and functionality.


+1 AdminLTE, and if you want a headstart for an Admin app project using react and admin LTE try my boilerplate. Styles are just plugged in so feel free to use any. :smile:

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Do you have Demo link?


Yep - there is now a demo on the website. There is also a Developer Edition that you can run right in your app! You can sign up for it on the website.

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Hi, I have a APP/Web (es.qventio.com) build with Meteor with Ionic but the Admin is lacking in functions. I would like to know if you have or can develop an Admin template to modify to fit my needs?