Deep Dive series: The Road to 3.0

Hi folks,

It’s Alim from the MeteorJS Dispatches podcast team. We are embarking on series we call “Deep Dives” to provide video resources to new and current MeteorJS users on the 3.0 MeteorJS.

In it, we’ll go a little into MeteorJS background, the transition to Meteor Software, what the 2.x series has been about, what’s been holding MeteorJS back, the transition from Fibers, what the 3.0 series will mean for the future of MeteorJS, and will include content related to migrating from earlier versions to 3.x.

The series will help make sense of the lurching progress of the platform, what the immediate challenges are to keeping it relevant, and help lay the foundation for making decisions about what version of MeteorJS to build with.

We can piece together some of this content for these episodes, but it will be far better with you participating. That means the people working on the 3.0 migration in core (MS team, Vasco, Quave, etc.), those maintaining community packages, those updating documentation, those whose apps run on MeteorJS. Your willingness to participate in on-camera discussions, code walkthroughs, and interviews is needed. Without your help, it will take much longer to assemble the episodes, and they will be less effective.

(Expect any and all of the above to go through revisions. :-D)

We will be publishing and revising our program outline right here over the next few weeks. Please reach out to us below or at
with subject line “Road to 3.0”

Thank you!


Hi Alim! Thank you for this initiative!

I was thinking about something along very similar lines and I think you framed it very well and I’m very happy that you (the Podcast team) are taking initiative here.

This weekend I won’t have any time to react, but I’ll get back to you very early next week.

I’m working on an update about async and Tracker / autorun as well as a babel plugin for helping with passing the current computation in into async functions and “beyond” awaits… with some caveats :slight_smile:

(Our issues are based in Blaze, but probably relevant to Tracker in general.)

I’m sure it’lll be a fun week & there’s lots of things to discuss and discover.

I can’t wait! :smile:


Related to Deep Dives, I wrote Deep Dive into WeKan, that currently uses Meteor 2.13.3:

I also wrote about Meteor Security:

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@xet7 I would like to know if you would be willing to do a deep dive program on MeteorJS security. I’d also like to discuss the possibility of doing an episode on WeKan, its history, some code walkthroughs, and the experience of this open source project.

Let me know if this interests you and we can follow up via email.


Separately, I think it would be cool to have you involved in this discussion on how WeKan is addressing migration challenges to 3.0


This would be a great topic!


Yes we could have deep dive programs. I did send you email.

I did post about my progress of upgrading WeKan to Meteor 3.0 alpha 15 here:

I did also write about running Meteor at many different CPU/OS:

There is a lot we can talk about. What is your time zone? I will send you and invitation so we can chat. I am in NYC (EDT).


Timezone is Europe/Helsinki.

Reminder! We are starting our introductory episode shortly: