"Deferred long-running timer task(s) to improve scrolling smoothness. See crbug.com/574343."

Hi, this error started popping up recently. It’s happening on my signup page when someone signs up with User Accounts / AccountTemplates package in Meteor 1.3.

The app “hangs” for 10+ seconds, and shows a warning: "Deferred long-running timer task(s) to improve scrolling smoothness. See crbug.com/574343."

Digging in, it seems new (w/in last month). Here’s a couple links if you’re just finding this:

Nice explanation
Referenced in warning
Material project bug

I can’t tell if it’s a client issue or server issue yet, but signups are broken and that makes me sad :frowning:

Is anyone else seeing this?

So, I think this was because the Meteor method call was taking too long to respond. It was a symptom of another problem.