Dependent Select

I’m trying to create a simple dependent select. I’ve seen several articles, including this one, but I keep thinking there HAS to be a “right” way to do this reactively.

I’m not using widgets, just plain HTML select elements. The first is for Species, that pulls from a Species Mongo collection. The second is for Breeds - a separate collection. Both are rendered from Templates. I can get the Species and then handle the change event, but I have no clue where to go from there.

I also saw this SO post, but the answer isn’t marked as right and the API looks a tad deprecated.

Can someone point me in the right direction here?


<template name="speciesSelect">
  <select id="species" class="pure-u-23-24">
  {{#each species}}
    <option value="{{_id}}">{{name}}</option>

<template name="breedsSelect">
  <select id="primary-breed" class="pure-u-23-24">
  {{#each breed}}


Species = new Mongo.Collection("species");
Breeds = new Mongo.Collection("breeds");

  species: function() {
    return Species.find();
  "change #species": function(e) {
    // now what the heck to I do?

Not tested:

<template name="select">

  <select id="species" class="pure-u-23-24">
    {{#each species}}
      <option value="{{_id}}">{{name}}</option>

  <select id="breed" class="pure-u-23-24">
    {{#each breeds}}
      <option value="{{_id}}">{{name}}</option>

</template> = function() { 
 this.selSpecies = new ReactiveVar(null);
  species: function() {
    return Species.find();

  breeds: function() {
    var speciesId = Template.instance().selSpecies.get();
    return speciesId ? Breeds.find({ speciesId: speciesId }) : null;
  'change #species': function(event, instance) {
    var speciesId = $(;
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This is more or less the answer, only I did roughly the same thing with Session vars which are reactive.

Much thanks!