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I came across the other day - they’ve been sponsoring changelog. It seems cool and most importantly they support Meteor :slight_smile: Has anyone tried it out?

The launch post:



Interesting approach. Not ready to try it out now but would be great to hear from someone who did.

Maybe your CI/CD system screwed up and left a whole staging environment deployed. Or maybe you typed an extra zero on a scale command. Whatever it was: if you didn’t expect it, and it looks weird on your bill, tell us. We’ll waive or refund any unintended charges for paid support customers.

This is so different from any other cloud infrastructure provider (especially AWS). Happened to all of us.

I’ve been watching them for a while, impressed by how they architected the whole thing with Firecracker VMs, but it looks like in the last couple of years reliability has been a big issue. Seems to be improving lately, but there are still outages. Here’s a conversation from Hacker news from just a few days ago. Some comments are revealing. outage – resolved | Hacker News

I think they have a lot of potential, top team, but at first I would run something that is not mission critical to get a good idea about the uptime.

Another issue with them is that while they do offer (kind of, via partners it seems) managed Postgres databases and Redis, they do not offer managed Mongo databases. Combining with Atlas would not be ideal since the app and the db would not be in the same data center like it would be with AWS, GCP and Azure. So it leaves managing Mongo yourself on infrastructure which limits the number of potential customers.