Deploying meter app manually VS mup

Can someone help me understand the deployment process of meteor app?

I used meter for a long time, once i began the development of meteor app from scratch on the same machine (VPS) that i was thinking to use for hosting the app. I also built localy another app, and just copy/paste the whole app to the server that i used for hosting.

In both ways it worked as expected.

Can someone explain please what is the need of MUP? And similar things for uploading. Also the bundle file, what is it for? Isen’t it just a “zip” file of your app? I mean if i just zip it manually (with rar for example), the result will not be the same??

And i think it’s simple enough to setup the server for meteor app on your own.

Thank you in advance.

I don’t use mup myself.
But I can answer your question partially.
A bundle file is not just a zip file of your app.
The building process does way more than simply compressing the app.
For example, it merge all your js files into a single one.
The most important thing about meteor build is that the resulted bundle file can run with only Nodejs, no more dependencies needed.
You can read this to know more about Meteor deployment.
By the way, If you are tired of the complexity of mup.
Check MeteorN out.
It’s an easy to use tool I made which you can use to deploy your app smoothly.

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If you have the time to learn something else go for mup etc … Not bad as such. I have just put the meteor start commands in shell script and kicked them off and will write another to see if the process is dead if so restart it. My app is decoupled thoroughly using redis et. And I can safely kill and restart the server by calling the script. Now with Ngonx in the front it is even easier to let go off mup- just my opinion.

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For quick and easy deployments I honestly believe this solution is the best balance between ease, speed, price, and stability.