Desktop Safari v14 error

I’m having some issues with this on loading JavaScript file.

Unexpected token ‘=’. Expected an opening ‘(’ before a method’s parameter list

Anyone know how to fix this ? Thanks

Unexpected token ‘=’. Expected an opening ‘(’ before a method’s parameter list

It’s just a simple syntax error. You have a = where you should have a parenthesis.

Share your code and can tell more.

No, that’s no it. This is specific to older browsers and I found this

I tried implementing this but didn’t seem to work. I’ll post the package json later. I’m not to familiar with babel setup. I was hoping someone would recognize this error

Oh sure man if you’re using Babel then it can be due to the compilation. Straight off the rip, the error is a syntax error. But now you explain you using babel then to me it sounds like your imports screwing up some how man. Share some code and I’ll help! :+1: