DIgital Ocean Ubuntu 16.04

Hi all and happy new year,

I’ve been using Meteor for the last 2 years and so far everything good and few apps deployed on Digital Ocean.
BUT, I just upgraded to Meteor 1.4, thus I here is my setup:

  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Meteor 1.4.2
  • new mup (not mupx)
  • 1 Gb RAM server on DO

And I can’t deploy as easily as I use to do (everything in root). So I decide to simply follow the recommendations and I can’t find a way to have a simple project deployed. With a fresh server here is what I do:

adduser toto
usermod -aG sudo toto
[Meteor instal as toto] curl...
[npm install as with sudo] sudo apt-get install
[link NodeJS and Node with sudo] sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
[mup install with sudo] sudo npm install mup
[directory creation in sudo] sudo mkdir /var/www && cd /var/www
[cloning repo with sudo] sudo git clone myrepo
cd myrepo
sudo mkdir .deploy && cd .deploy
[sudo to create files] sudo mup init
[no sudo required] mup setup (surprinsigly fast and not taking more than 10s contrarly to what is written in kadirahq page)
[without sudo to not have the message "You are attempting..."] mup deploy

And then I have this message

Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir ‘/var/www/myrepo/.meteor/local’

I found this command
sudo chown -R toto:sudo /home/toto/.meteor

But it has no effect…

Does anyone has an idea to help?

Thans a lot!

Have not used mup. The issue probably is you do not have permission to create a directory in '/var/www/myrepo’
mkdir ‘/var/www/myrepo/.meteor/local’

sudo chown -R toto:sudo /var/www/myrepo/

Gosh…thank you…it was TOO simple (or too late…)