Displaying combined user data in Meteor

I’m trying to achieve the following:

Right now it’s static

 <table class="table table-condensed">
 <tr> <td> User </td> 
 <td> Jan </td>
 <td> February </td>
 <td> March </td>
 <td> April </td>
 <td> May </td>
 <td> June </td>
 <td> July </td>
 <td> August </td>
 <td> September </td>
 <td> October </td>
 <td> November </td>
 <td> December </td> </tr>


 <tr>  <td> Igor L </td> <td> 100 </td> <td> 200 </td> <td> 200 </td> <td> 200 </td> <td> 200 </td> <td> 200 </td> <td> 200 </td> <td> 200 </td> <td> 200 </td> <td> 200 </td> <td> 0 </td> <td> 0 </td> </tr>
 <tr>  <td> Aleksei D </td> <td> 100 </td> <td> 200 </td> <td> 200 </td> <td> 200 </td> <td> 200 </td> <td> 200 </td> <td> 200 </td> <td> 200 </td> <td> 200 </td> <td> 0 </td> <td> 0 </td> <td> 0 </td> </tr>


Here’s my helper for this template and the function I’ve made:
(Because I need to use a helper for this, like {{#each earningHistory}} <td>{{monthIndex}}</td> <td> {{currentUser}} ETC ETC {{/each

	currentYear: function(){
var currentTime = new Date();
var currentYear = currentTime.getFullYear();
return currentYear;


earningHistory: function(){
	var yearSelected = yearFilterEarning.get();
	const userQuery = Meteor.users.find().fetch();
	let result;
    const resultQuery = userQuery.map(function(o){
    let currentId = o._id; //ID, eg. bWtb27bRgcqwHJS7s
    let currentUser = o.profile.name_first+" "+o.profile.name_last; //Aleksei D
    let currentUserRole = o.roles[0]; //TODO: we don't want admins in this list 
    let sum = 0; //

	for(let monthIndex = 0; monthIndex < 11; ++monthIndex){
    let tripCost = Trips.find({'userId' : {$eq: currentId}}, {'month' : {$eq: monthIndex}}, {'year' : {$eq:yearSelected}}).fetch().map(function(x){
    sum = sum + Number(x.cost);
    let overCost = Overtime.find({'userId' : {$eq: currentId}}, {'month' : {$eq: monthIndex}}, {'year' : {$eq:yearSelected}}).fetch().map(function(x){
    sum = sum + Number(x.cost);

    //HOW DO I DISPLAY the User, His sum and the month index???
    result = sum+currentUser+monthIndex;
    //HOW DO I DISPLAY the User, His sum and the month index???
    return result;


I don’t understand how can I display this data… Help please!

Okay with this I do get the output in the console, but how do I parse it into my HTML using {{#EACH?}}


earningHistory: function(){
const userQuery = Meteor.users.find().fetch();
let result = [];
const query = userQuery.map(function(o){
let currentUser = o.profile.name_first+" "+o.profile.name_last; //Aleksei D
for(let monthIndex = 0; monthIndex < 12; ++monthIndex){
var sum = 0;
const uFilterExpr = {"userId" : {$eq: o._id}};
const moFilterExpr = {"month": {$eq: monthIndex.toString()}};
const yeFilterExpr = {"year": {$eq: "2017"}};
const allExpr = Object.assign({}, uFilterExpr, moFilterExpr, yeFilterExpr); 

let tripIds = Trips.find(allExpr).fetch().map(function(x){
sum = sum + Number(x.cost);

let overs = Overtime.find(allExpr).fetch().map(function(x){
sum = sum + Number(x.cost);
result.push(currentUser, monthIndex, sum);




console results example:

"Test User" //user
4 //mo 
3.6500000000000004 //amount
"Test User"  //user
5  //mo 
116.11  //amount
"Test User"  //user
6  //mo 
0  //amount

Here, try this example i wrote :slight_smile:


<template name="userList">
	{{#each users}}
			{{#each info}}
					<b>{{key}}:</b> {{value}}


		return Meteor.users.find();
		return _.map(this,(value,key)=>{
			return {value, key};
1 Like

Hmm, I dont quite understand how do I get my table out of it tho.

This test code gives me empty table

const userQuery = Meteor.users.find().fetch();
const query = userQuery.map(function(o){
return o._id;


workerNames: function(userId){
const userQuery = Meteor.users.find().fetch();
const query = userQuery.map(function(o){
if(userId == o._id)
return o.profile.name_first+" "+o.profile.name_last;


  {{#each users}}
      {{#each workerNames}}
          <b>{{key}}:</b> {{value}}

You are doing some very weird things! Even if your code worked, if you had 100 users, it would have to loop through the user list 10.000 times :sweat_smile:

I suggest going through a complete tutorial / course on Meteor and following their examples, before trying to figure things out on your own.

I get what you mean, I do see the huge loop within a loop now, and I guess I do need to go over basics first but I just need this thing done in order to finish this meteor app. I’ll figure it out, I have a few ideas on how to make it work, regardless thank you very much

Hehe okay, try this:

<template name="userList">
	{{#each users}}
		{{profile.name_first}} {{profile.name_last}}


		return Meteor.users.find();
1 Like

Thanks, I do get the names but I need to somehow tie these names or ids, and also get results for these people in numbers, 12 times for 12 months.

for(let monthIndex = 0; monthIndex < 12; ++monthIndex){
var sum = 0;
const uFilterExpr = {"userId" : {$eq: o._id}};
const moFilterExpr = {"month": {$eq: monthIndex.toString()}};
const yeFilterExpr = {"year": {$eq: "2017"}};
const allExpr = Object.assign({}, uFilterExpr, moFilterExpr, yeFilterExpr); 

let tripIds = Trips.find(allExpr).fetch().map(function(x){
sum = sum + Number(x.cost);

let overs = Overtime.find(allExpr).fetch().map(function(x){
sum = sum + Number(x.cost);
result.push(currentUser, monthIndex, sum);

I think that I’ll create a function that will pass the ._id variable onto the query and will return the data accordingly.

Got it working, woop. Thanks man!

return Meteor.users.find();

getEarning: function(userId, monthIndex){
var sum = 0;
const uFilterExpr = {"userId" : {$eq: userId}};
const moFilterExpr = {"month": {$eq: monthIndex.toString()}};
const yeFilterExpr = {"year": {$eq: "2017"}};
const allExpr = Object.assign({}, uFilterExpr, moFilterExpr, yeFilterExpr); 

let tripIds = Trips.find(allExpr).fetch().map(function(x){
sum = sum + Number(x.cost);

let overs = Overtime.find(allExpr).fetch().map(function(x){
sum = sum + Number(x.cost);

if(sum == 0)
return "-"
return sum.toFixed(1);



 <table class="table table-condensed">
 <tr> <td> User </td> 
 <td> January </td>
 <td> February </td>
 <td> March </td>
 <td> April </td>
 <td> May </td>
 <td> June </td>
 <td> July </td>
 <td> August </td>
 <td> September </td>
 <td> October </td>
 <td> November </td>
 <td> December </td> </tr>

  {{#each users}}
  <td>  {{profile.name_first}} {{profile.name_last}} </td>
  <td>  {{getEarning _id 0}} </td>
  <td>  {{getEarning _id 1}} </td>
  <td>  {{getEarning _id 2}} </td>
  <td>  {{getEarning _id 3}} </td>
  <td>  {{getEarning _id 4}} </td>
  <td>  {{getEarning _id 5}} </td>
  <td>  {{getEarning _id 6}} </td>
  <td>  {{getEarning _id 7}} </td>
  <td>  {{getEarning _id 8}} </td>
  <td>  {{getEarning _id 9}} </td>
  <td>  {{getEarning _id 10}} </td>
  <td>  {{getEarning _id 11}} </td>
