Displaying images with collectionFS and reywood:publish-composite

Can someone give an example of how to display an image using collectionFS and reywood:publish-composite? I am using template ready subscriptions. I am displaying small profile images from my ProfileImages collectionfs and the profileImages-sm store of that collection. When image was uploaded, I previously saved off the key of the image document to Meteor.users. I am publishing using reywood:publish-composite.

    Meteor.publishComposite('postDivisions', function(lim) {
  return {
    find: function() {
        return Posts.find({}, { sort: { p_inc: -1 }, limit: lim });
    children: [
            find: function(post) {
                return Meteor.users.find(
                    { _id: post.poster_id },
                    { limit: 1, fields: { username: 1, profile:1 } });
            children: [
                    find: function(user) {
                        return ProfileImages.find({_id:user.profile.image_storeId});

and in my html posted template:

	        {{#if Template.subscriptionsReady}}
	        {{#each eightPosts}}
                            <a class="pull-left" href="#">
	                 	{{#with postimg}}
	                 	     <img src="{{this.url store='profileImages-sm'}}" class="proimg" />
		     	<div class="media-body">all my thoughts</div>

and my js file:

Template.posted.onCreated(function () {

    var self = this;
    self.autorun(function() {
    self.subscribe('postDivisions', 8);
    eightPosts: function() {    
        return Posts.find();
    postimg: function() {
        var user = Meteor.users.findOne(this.poster_id);
        return ProfileImages.findOne({_id:user.profile.image_storeId});


Can’t seem to find the how to display the image in the html. I tried using {{#with postimg.profile}}, but no luck. Otherwise, I am getting an error: Exception in template helper: TypeError: Cannot read property 'profile' of undefined. Can someone please help me with the correct syntax? Thanks!