I’ve got a server-only method that I’m throwing an error from:
export const addCard = new ValidatedMethod({
name: 'addCard',
validate(args) {
check(args, {
artistId: String,
nickname: String,
token: String,
run({ artistId, nickname, token }) {
if (Meteor.isServer) {
const stripeAddCard = syncStripeFunc('customers', 'createSource');
const customerId = getCustomerId(artistId || this.userId);
try {
return stripeAddCard(customerId, {
metadata: { nickname },
source: token,
} catch (e) {
console.log('I caught something!', e);
throw new Meteor.Error('card-auth-failed', e.raw);
And when the user submits an invalid card, on the server I can see an error is dumped to the console, but on the client side, both error
and result
in the callback are undefined
. Is this normal behavior?