Document physically not updated

In a server side method I am updating one document. The method call returns 1, so it’s telling me it has updated 1 document. But looking into the mongodb this is not true!

So this is my update call:

const updateCount = Requests.update({
  _id: 'fooId',
}, {
  $set: {
    foo: 'bar'

console.log(updateCount) // 1

However, when I do the call directly on mongodb it works properly!

  _id: 'fooId',
}, {
  $set: {
      foo: 'bar'

I’m going crazy … I don’t get it!

Any idea?

BTW: I’m using Meteor 1.6.0

Ok, stupid me. Forget it. I did attach a SimpleSchema (I’m not used to) on that collection and didn’t add the necessary properties.