Does Meteor has offical ways to handle with translation like i18n in Ruby on Rails?

I have found that the Meteor docs haven’t talk about the translation

The best way is currently the package tap:i18n.

And what package should I use for my Meteor_React app?
tap:i18n seems to be a typical Blaze package with lots of dependancies. (I just removed templating and Jquery from my project…)

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Hmm, I see what you mean:

I think it should be a simple matter of working with the maintainers to split out the Blaze-specific part and remove the dependency.

There’s a relevant issue here:

Thank you, sashko, I would try it

I’m a little surprised that such a great system doesn’t have a clear multilanguage solution. Anyway, I decided to use universe:i18n because it really support meteor’s React

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I also recently swapped out tap:i18n for universe:i18n in a React app with good results. I’ve found it to be quicker and more reliable (though to be fair, and as noted already, tap:i18n wasn’t originally intended for use with React). I wonder if the guides should address this if other people begin to have similar experiences.

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Could you submit a PR adding a section about universe:i18n in React, under “tap:i18n in Blaze”?

Just add a comment for people who may need use i18n in Angular2-Meteor project.
In Angular2-Meteor, try to use ng2-translate

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