Does meteor's mail package no longer work?

I tried to use the mail package but failed.
In the end, I solved it with the mailgun API method.
However, this will prevent you from using convenient methods such as finding your account password.

I don’t think the mail package is legacy.
why wouldn’t it work?

Do you have an up-to-date example? please help

The Mail package works and always did. It is possible that you may have an issue with your SMTP link or authentication.

Example with AWS SMTP:

In your server env variables:

MAIL_URL: 'smtps://',

Sending email:

    from: 'Address Name <>',
    subject: 'A subject',
    html: <>You HTML email<>,
   // or text: "Your text email"

You can integrate any provider with Meteor package so all the packages will use your own implementation.

Check out this example for Postmarkapp email-postmark/server.js at main · quavedev/email-postmark · GitHub

Please can you please explain this to me? 'Meteor email package needs to be in the version 2.2 or above. This corresponds to Meteor version 2.4."I saw it and don’t get it well, version 2.2 for what, and Meteor 2.4? @filipenevola