Does your meteor 3 still run node14? Here’s how to check and fix

All developers on my team (on macos) turned out to be running node14 in development mode even after upgrading to meteor 3 (meteor without fibers IS compatible with node14 so it doesn’t crash).

There seems to be some problem with the devbundle and installation.

You can check this easily using meteor node --version, it should NOT return

Solution if it does: rm -rf ~/.meteor and then reinstall meteor. It will also reclaim a lot of disk space :slight_smile:

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Luckily you were running 14. Meteor comes a long way from Node 0.x … :joy:

Meteor is like a Honda Civic. You run a version for 10 years then … you give it to a colleague, he changes the oil and runs it for another 10 years.

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This sounds familiar to a problem I had pushing commits for a newly converted Meteor 3 app, which had Galaxy’s push to deploy set up.

I guess I have to find a way to nuke a build cache somewhere on Galaxy and it’ll solve it like in this case…?

(In the end it worked with a manual deploy, I haven’t returned to push to deploy yet while a few bugs linger in my current dev branch)