Don't show default value of update form in my custom input type (AutoForm)?

I create inputmask customer input type in Auto Form:

<template name='afInputmask'>
    <input type="text" value="" {{atts}}>

// JS
AutoForm.addInputType("inputmask", {
    template: "afInputmask",
    valueIn: function (val, atts) {
        return val;
    valueOut: function () {
        return this.val();

Template.afInputmask.onRendered(function () {
    var $input = this.$('input');
    var data =;
    var opts = data.atts.inputmaskOptions || {};

    // Check opts
    if (typeof opts == 'function') {
        opts = opts();


    atts: function addFormControlAtts() {
        var atts = _.clone(this.atts);
        // Add bootstrap class
        atts = AutoForm.Utility.addClass(atts, "form-control");
        delete atts.inputmaskOptions;
        return atts;

Template.afInputmask.onDestroyed(function () {
    var $input = this.$('input');
    if ($input) {

It work fine for insert form,
But don’t show default value (empty) in update form.
Please help me.

Did you find the solution sir? @theara