When I run a docker container with my meteor app with docker-compose or separately with docker run, it takes sooo long to Download meteor distrib… And it didn’t occur in my previous docker-compose build…
I have a message like this :
docker run xxxxxx_webapp
This is your first time using Meteor!
Installing a Meteor distribution in your home directory.
Downloading Meteor distribution
Then I have to wait 2+ min and after that delay I see a lot of times :
Retrying download in 5 seconds …
Retrying download in 5 seconds …
Retrying download in 5 seconds …
Retrying download in 5 seconds …
The result of this slow download is that my container exits before I finally download it. So it enters in an infinite loop (restart:always in docker-compose) with “container exited with code 6”… But with a manual launch (docker run xxxxxx_webapp) it works after 10+ minutes…
I see that http://status.meteor.com/ find no status problems. I have a pretty good internet connection but slower than was I had 1 week ago. I live in a town so internet is good by default…
For a more precise description, please see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55574343/how-to-fix-container-exiting-with-code-6-that-previously-worked-fine
Can someone give me some advises? Thank you in advance guys.