Dynamic Import Fails on Local Network

I am using Meteor 1.8.2 with dynamic import and it fails when I attempt to connect to the running pages via network.


  • Meteor create --full test
    This create a meteor project and can be accessed via network with route.js file as below
import { FlowRouter } from 'meteor/kadira:flow-router';
import { BlazeLayout } from 'meteor/kadira:blaze-layout';

// Import needed templates
import '../../ui/layouts/body/body.js';
import '../../ui/pages/home/home.js';
import '../../ui/pages/not-found/not-found.js';

// Set up all routes in the app
FlowRouter.route('/', {
  name: 'App.home',
  action() {
    BlazeLayout.render('App_body', { main: 'App_home' });

FlowRouter.notFound = {
  action() {
    BlazeLayout.render('App_body', { main: 'App_notFound' });

// At this point the pages are accessible via network (my.local.ip:3000 ) without any errors

  • Then edit the route file by introducing dynamic imports, using original FlowRouter
 FlowRouter.route('/', {
   name: 'App.home',
   action() {
     import('../../ui/pages/home/home.js').then(() => {
       BlazeLayout.render('App_body', { main: 'App_home'})

or FlowRouter Extra

FlowRouter.route('/', {
  name: 'App.home',
  waitOn() {
     return import('/imports/ui/pages/home/home.js');
    action() {
      this.render('App_body', { main: 'App_home'});

both of them fail when you try to connect to this page via network
ie my.local.ip:3000 fails.

Anyone with a solution please help. Regards;

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Hello @nosizejosh ,

Sorry for the late reply. As mentioned here seems like Meteor can’t reach server for fetching dynamic imports. I’d suggest to set ROOT_URL to the appropriate value of localhost:3000 or your local area network IP address in your case

And I’d suggest to use next code:

 FlowRouter.route('/', {
   name: 'App.home',
   action() {
     BlazeLayout.render('App_body', { main: 'App_home'});
     /* or 
      * this.render('App_body', { main: 'App_home'}); 
      * Note: using this.render() may require to update your template's logic
   waitOn() {
     return import('/imports/ui/pages/home/home.js');