Dynamic import of ES7 functions


Has anyone tried dynamic import of es7 functions ?

Following ‘non returning function’ works for me -

// CalledFn
 (async () => {
	// e.g. const { Mongo } = await import('meteor/mongo');

	const main = () => {


// Calling FN
(async () => {
	// or - if you need things to wait - await import('./calledFN'); 

Now to get a return from the module we need to change things a bit:

// CalledFn
const CalledFN = (async () => {
	// e.g. const { Mongo } = await import('meteor/mongo');

	const main = () => {
		return 'awesome';

	return main();

export default CalledFN;

// Calling FN
(async () => {
	// Below works, but of course does not return anything

	// Below works as well
	import('../calledFN').then((pValue) => {
		pValue.default.then((p2) => {

	// Then if you introduce await - it blocks and fails
	const test = await (await import('../calledFN')).default;

The await is blocking something and I seem to be missing something? Cheers for the assist guys .