Edit static Tapi18n strings from production

Hi guys,

I’m looking for a way to allow my client to update strings/text on the website using some sort of edit-in-place functionality. The Meteor plugins for such a feature already exist, but the thing is: we’re using i18n to show translated content.

What would be the best way to allow logged in admin users to change the static strings on the website? I can’t really think of a way to do it. was hoping someone here has dealt with such a requirement before.


Actually I just came up with the idea similar to how most CMS work: store the HTML of editable parts of a page in the db with a Tapi18n collection. But this would only work with content that is exclusively static. But a lot of times we use Blaze syntax inside our page content.

This poses an interesting challenge: would it be possible to have Blaze syntax in HTML that is stored inside db?

If you want to have parametrized strings for translation, take a look at MessageFormat.