If you want to work on a script that will build for windows, that would be awesome I don’t have a windows machine and my mac doesn’t have enough room left for a windows VM. I really need to get a bigger hard drive lol 128gb is not enough
You can also write shell scripts with JavaScript https://github.com/arturadib/shelljs. Might be useful to get Windows support without having separate scripts.
You can definitely connect it to a remote server, but that will require more development. I haven’t added a simple way to do that. (For now at least). I just started a new Full-Time job with Meteor so I haven’t had time to work on Electrometeor lately. I’ll be adding more features as I get settled in to my job.
@doedel we dont need it. I was scratching an itch I had and I wanted to share it with others. Most applications do not need it. I just wanted something that would work completely independent of an internet connection.
Cloud you share with us how to connect with remote server???
I tried to modify the dist.js to build a meteor with remote server url.
exec(meteorCommand + ’ build --directory …/. --server remote_server_url’);
But it was still connected to localhost.
Hey @larry I’ve been very busy with work and a side project I’m working on (As well as the busyness that comes with being married) so I haven’t had any time to work on this. I most likely won’t be updating anything for a while unless its a quick update of the electron version used.
Thanks for this great package!
One question tho, how would I access modules like the renderer’s IPC module, so I can fire events to Electron’s main process from blaze template?