Embed webview on iOS / Android

Hello Meteor-ites

Been using the framework for two days now and love it!

We are missing one last need before we migrate. Can we open embedded webviews in Cordova? Can’t use Iframes as they don’t trigger load / complete events with user initiated browsing, and can’t get loaded URLs.

Any direction or help (hopefully not involving touching native) would be very appreciated – so we can make the jump :smile:

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Depending on what you’re trying to do, cordova-plugin-inappbrowser may work for you.

Thanks a lot @martijnwalraven for your reply, appreciated!

We did our research based on your recommendation, and here is our approach for the benefit of the community.

We will use the recommended cordova-plugin-browser for iOS (with some changes to support some custom needs) and cordova-plugin-inappbrowserxwalk for Android (as this version support crosswalk).