I’m trying to do a fresh environment setup and Meteor deployment on a AWS EC2 instance running Ubuntu 14.04 with scripts, and need a hand.
The following script will be used to set up a deployment package:
# build-remote.sh
# build.sh file in root of /workstation-deployment-test
# output of this line is a tr.gz file, the tr.gz is told to reside in /workstation-deployment-test-build dir
meteor build --architecture=os.linux.x86_64 ../workstation-deployment-test-build
cp deploy-build.sh ../workstation-deployment-test-build
cd ../workstation-deployment-test-build
# secure copy tar meteor build from local host to remote host
# should add a check here to make sure /home/meteor/build exists and create it if it doesn’t
scp -i /Users/username/meteors/penfilename.pem workstation-deployment-test.tar.gz ubuntu@ipaddress:/home/ubuntu
# secure copy build sh
scp -i /Users/username/meteors/penfilename.pem deploy-build.sh ubuntu@ipaddress:/home/ubuntu
ssh -i /Users/username/meteors/pendfilename.pem ubuntu@ipaddress "deploy-build.sh”
And once these files are on the instance, the sh will be run remotely:
# deploy-build.sh
#cd ../build
# remove previous bundle
rm -rf bundle
# unpack the tar ball, unpacks to /bundle dir
tar -zxvf workstation-deployment-test.tar.gz
# go into the new bundle folder
cd bundle
#install dependencies
(cd programs/server && npm install)
How do I open the 80 port? Specify a MONGO_URL or ROOT_URL? Specifying the app name? Any help is greatly appreciated.
What is your take on this strategy?