Epic update to form components package


Now supports returning custom success/failed messages from the form action, makes building complex parent/child form element structures easier, allows for async validation, and provides supremely easy form resets.


Are there any known problems with the current Windows preview of meteor? Or am I missing something blatantly obvious?

Chrome is just displaying a blank page and the console is showing the following error message:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object

This is my test code (basically taken from the documentation):


<template name="myFormTemplate">
  <p>The form.</p>
  {{> basicInput schema=schema field='testField'}}


  template: 'basicInput',
  validationEvent: 'keyup'

  schema: function () {
    return new SimpleSchema({
      testField: {
        type: String,
        max: 3,
        instructions: "Enter a value!"
  action: function () {
    return function (els, callbacks, changed) {
      console.log("[forms] Action running!");
      console.log("[forms] Form data!", this);
      console.log("[forms] HTML elements with `.reactive-element` class!", els);
      console.log("[forms] Callbacks!", callbacks);
      console.log("[forms] Changed fields!", changed);
      callbacks.success(); // Display success message.
      callbacks.reset();   // Run each Element's custom `reset` function to clear the form.

And for the sake of completeness templatesformstest.html:


  <h1>First test of templates:forms.</h1>

  {{> myFormTemplate}}

Thanks for this. Would you mind posting this in an issue on the project’s GitHub page?

I have confirmed this bug–it is not Windows-specific. It only affects Elements that are running standalone in the latest version of the package (it relates to the new support for multiple levels of sub-Elements).

I believe you aren’t actually trying to run an Element this way, though, so you should try wrapping the Element in a Form Block.

Technically an Element should work by itself, just for individual validation. But the action function you’re testing only runs if the Element is inside a Form Block.

Thanks for the explanation, I have created an issue on GitHub.

You are of course right, the posted standalone use of the Form Element does not reflect the final application. I was rather doing some first evaluations of the package and came across this issue.

Based on what I read in the documentation, I really do like your approach towards handling forms in Meteor. It seems like a very good balance between having a lightweight package, providing good developer productivity and giving sufficient control over the details of the form handling.

Thank you!

Published an update earlier today that fixes several bugs including this one. Everything seems to be working great now.