Getting a very extensive error after ‘meteor add accounts-password’. Toward the end of the error terminal outputs this:
node v4.4.7
npm v3.10.5
bcrypt@0.7.7 install: `node-gyp rebuild`
Exit status 1
Failed at the bcrypt@0.7.7 install script 'node-gyp rebuild'.
Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed.
If you do, this is most likely a problem with the bcrypt package,
not with npm itself.
Tell the author that this fails on your system:
node-gyp rebuild
You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with:
npm bugs bcrypt
I’ve seen a similar topic on the forums, but triggered only for Windows users, while I am on a mac. Should I downgrade meteor? Thanks.
OS X users should install the commandline tools (in short, run xcode-select --install).
To test that your compiler toolchain is installed and working properly, try installing any binary npm package in your application using meteor npm. For example, run meteor npm install bcrypt then meteor node, then try calling require("bcrypt") from the Node shell.
Tried everything, still can’t get meteor-accounts / meteor-password to work due to this bcrypt error on Windows. When I try to install the windows build tools it installs python and then just doesn’t download anything and leaves me hanging. Left it overnight and tried multiple times. Really sad that such a huge error would just pop up out of nowhere and no support to fix it.
Really makes me think about leaving Meteor for good.
I had this issue on my Windows 2012 R2 server. I solved it by opening up PowerShell (admin) and typing npm install --global --production windows-build-tools