Error: Cannot find the `svelte` package in your application


After upgrading from one of the RC-s to v3.0.3, zodern:melte cannot find svelte.

Error: Cannot find the svelte package in your application. Please install it with meteor npm install svelte`.
at SvelteCompiler.getSvelte (packages/zodern:melte-compiler/MelteCompiler.js:93:13)

The output of meteor npm ls:
├── @babel/runtime@7.25.6
├── @svgdotjs/svg.js@3.2.4
├── chart.js@3.9.1
├── chartjs-adapter-moment@1.0.1
├── jquery@3.7.1
├── meteor-node-stubs@1.2.10
├── moment-timezone@0.5.45
├── moment@2.30.1
├── mqtt@5.10.1
├── simpl-schema@3.4.6
├── svelte-chartjs@3.1.5
├── svelte-preprocess@5.1.4
└── svelte@4.2.19

I searched online but couldn’t find anything.

What have I missed?
