When I cd into the folder of a newly created Meteor app and run it with the ‘meteor’ command, I get
throw error;
Error: can't get arch with uname -p?
at run (/tools/utils/archinfo.js:151:15)
at Object.host (/tools/utils/archinfo.js:161:11)
at ProjectContext.reset (/tools/project-context.js:90:45)
at new ProjectContext (/tools/project-context.js:56:8)
at Command.doRunCommand [as func] (/tools/cli/commands.js:335:24)
at /tools/cli/main.js:1531:15
@Jamgold - thanks for the response - I entered uname -p on the command line and entered that, then entered meteor - same error. My problem is I am a UX guy who uses Meteor for creating working prototypes - my CSS and JS skills are pretty solid, but Unix and other aspects of programming are not my strong suit, so when Meteor doesn’t run, I am unsure what to do with the error messages - I appreciate your help but not even sure if I understand what you are suggesting! It’s always fired up just fine in the past. Let me know if you have other suggestions or can help me correctly follow you guidance, and thanks again.
Since meteor is ultimately using the uname -p command, I tried to make sure the command is actually found, so I asked you to enter it on the command prompt where you usually fire off the meteor command. If for whatever reason your command prompt can not find the uname command, that it stands to reason meteor won’t be able to find it either.
I just ran into this problem. I had not used meteor for a while, and now when I go to create a project it fails. uname -p works. It looks like it is trying to run “uname -p?”. Anyone have any ideas?
88e9fe735966:Meteor ndb338$ meteor create test
throw error;
Error: can’t get arch with uname -p?
at run (/tools/utils/archinfo.js:151:15)
at Object.host (/tools/utils/archinfo.js:161:11)
at ProjectContext.reset (/tools/project-context.js:94:45)
at new ProjectContext (/tools/project-context.js:60:8)
at Command.func (/tools/cli/commands.js:769:24)
at /tools/cli/main.js:1531:15
88e9fe735966:Meteor ndb338$