Error: Duplicate identifier 'Status' in Meteor-Ionic project

I created a Meteor-Ionic2 project based on Whatsapp tutorial.

It was all working good, untill some recent updation with either Meteor or Ionic messed up and started throwing errors on ionic serve. I am not sure what caused the issue. But here is the problem. When i do ionic serve, I am getting this:

[14:52:41] watch started …
[14:52:41] build dev started …
[14:52:41] clean started …
[14:52:41] clean finished in 64 ms
[14:52:41] copy started …
[14:52:41] transpile started …
[14:53:00] typescript: node_modules/@types/meteor/index.d.ts, line: 666
Duplicate identifier ‘Status’.

 L665:  status: Status;
 L666:  retryCount: number;
 L667:  retryTime?: number;

[14:53:00] typescript: node_modules/@types/meteor/index.d.ts, line: 704
Duplicate identifier ‘Status’.

 L703:  status: Status;
 L704:  retryCount: number;

[14:53:00] typescript: node_modules/meteor-typings/1.3/main.d.ts, line: 657
L705: retryTime?: number;

        Duplicate identifier 'Status'. 
 L657:    type Status = 'connected' | 'connecting' | 'failed' | 'waiting' | 'offline';

[14:53:00] typescript: node_modules/meteor-typings/1.3/main.d.ts, line: 695

        Duplicate identifier 'Status'. 
 L695:      type Status = 'connected' | 'connecting' | 'failed' | 'waiting' | 'offline';

[14:53:00] transpile failed
[14:53:00] dev server running: http://localhost:8100/

From the logs, I looked into


and found both the files had this declaration of DDP module,

declare module DDP {
interface DDPStatic {
subscribe(name: string, …rest: any[]): Meteor.SubscriptionHandle;
call(method: string, …parameters: any[]): void;
apply(method: string, …parameters: any[]): void;
methods(IMeteorMethodsDictionary: any): any;
status(): DDPStatus;
reconnect(): void;
disconnect(): void;
onReconnect(): void;

function _allSubscriptionsReady(): boolean;

type Status = ‘connected’ | ‘connecting’ | ‘failed’ | ‘waiting’ | ‘offline’;

interface DDPStatus {
connected: boolean;
status: Status;
retryCount: number;
retryTime?: number;
reason?: string;

function connect(url: string): DDPStatic;

which is throwing that error on ionic serve.

When I comment declaration from any of the file, everything is working good, but I dont want to update anything manually inside node_modules.

Is there any mis configurations that I did, which is causing this issue?
Pls help.

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Did the solution provided in: solve the problem? Did you find another solution yourself, because for me this did not work?