Error Event is not defined

Im trying to run my meteor app and I got error like this that seems to tell me nothing. Did one of you meet this problem before ?

W20230622-16:04:20.210(2)? (STDERR) /Users/dzik/.meteor/packages/meteor-tool/.
W20230622-16:04:20.211(2)? (STDERR) 						throw(ex);
W20230622-16:04:20.211(2)? (STDERR) 						^
W20230622-16:04:20.211(2)? (STDERR)
W20230622-16:04:20.211(2)? (STDERR) ReferenceError: Event is not defined
W20230622-16:04:20.211(2)? (STDERR)     at module (packages/modules.js:1625:27)
W20230622-16:04:20.211(2)? (STDERR)     at fileEvaluate (packages/modules-runtime.js:336:7)
W20230622-16:04:20.212(2)? (STDERR)     at Module.require (packages/modules-runtime.js:238:14)
W20230622-16:04:20.212(2)? (STDERR)     at Module.moduleLink [as link] (/Users/dzik/.meteor/packages/modules/.0.19.0.e3djfl.ophg7++os+web.browser+web.browser.legacy+web.cordova/npm/node_modules/@meteorjs/reify/lib/runtime/index.js:52:22)
W20230622-16:04:20.212(2)? (STDERR)     at module (packages/modules.js:1236:210)
W20230622-16:04:20.212(2)? (STDERR)     at fileEvaluate (packages/modules-runtime.js:336:7)
W20230622-16:04:20.212(2)? (STDERR)     at Module.require (packages/modules-runtime.js:238:14)
W20230622-16:04:20.212(2)? (STDERR)     at Module.moduleLink [as link] (/Users/dzik/.meteor/packages/modules/.0.19.0.e3djfl.ophg7++os+web.browser+web.browser.legacy+web.cordova/npm/node_modules/@meteorjs/reify/lib/runtime/index.js:52:22)
W20230622-16:04:20.213(2)? (STDERR)     at module (packages/modules.js:1124:147)
W20230622-16:04:20.213(2)? (STDERR)     at fileEvaluate (packages/modules-runtime.js:336:7)
W20230622-16:04:20.213(2)? (STDERR)     at Module.require (packages/modules-runtime.js:238:14)
W20230622-16:04:20.214(2)? (STDERR)     at Module.moduleLink [as link] (/Users/dzik/.meteor/packages/modules/.0.19.0.e3djfl.ophg7++os+web.browser+web.browser.legacy+web.cordova/npm/node_modules/@meteorjs/reify/lib/runtime/index.js:52:22)
W20230622-16:04:20.214(2)? (STDERR)     at module (packages/modules.js:832:70)
W20230622-16:04:20.214(2)? (STDERR)     at fileEvaluate (packages/modules-runtime.js:336:7)
W20230622-16:04:20.214(2)? (STDERR)     at Module.require (packages/modules-runtime.js:238:14)
W20230622-16:04:20.214(2)? (STDERR)     at Module.moduleLink [as link] (/Users/dzik/.meteor/packages/modules/.0.19.0.e3djfl.ophg7++os+web.browser+web.browser.legacy+web.cordova/npm/node_modules/@meteorjs/reify/lib/runtime/index.js:52:22)

It appeard when I added my local node package using yalc so in my package.json i have entry like this. “yajsapi”: “file:.yalc/yajsapi” but honestly have no idea how its connected and why this standard why is somehow bad for reify. I tried to normally add by npm link or meteor npm link but nothink helped and always i have wall of errors.

Your NPM local package has to be in the root of your app (where you have your main package.json) If it is not in the root, you have to provide a correct path when you install it.
Can you confirm you had this package installed by finding its folder in the node_modules folder?


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Ok everything is clear

meteor node -v 14.12.1 so Event is undefined. Is there way to run meteor with newer node ?

Node version cannot be changed for a given Meteor version.
But if you need the Node Events library you can use it by installing Events: events - npm

Its not solution to the problem.