Error Messages in server now show as "Exception while invoking method 'methodName' [object Object]" since upgrading to 1.7

Hi everyone,

Since upgrading to Meteor 1.7 my error messages on the server side have been unreadable. This has made it incredibly hard to debug server-side methods.


Exception while invoking method 'forms/review/generate_pdf' [object Object]
Exception while invoking method 'forms/updateByProgram' [object Object]
Exception while invoking method 'forms/createForm' [object Object]

Does anyone know how to fix this? It’s really hampering any ability to write code!


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Check your browser console to see the complete error

In the browser it just returns 500 server error; not the full value of the error

Try adding this inside Meteor.startup() in your server

const originalMeteorDebug = Meteor._debug;
Meteor._debug = (message, stack) => {
    if (Meteor.isDevelopment) {
        console.log('===== message =====', message);
        console.log('===== stack =====', stack);

    return originalMeteorDebug.apply(this, arguments);
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@rjdavid Does not work!
The stack received is [object Object].

Created an issue:

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Thanks for this @rjdavid! I had to slightly modify your answer to get the log working with this. What I did was import util to unfurl the stack object and then fix it.

import util from 'util';

const originalMeteorDebug = Meteor._debug;
  Meteor._debug = (message, stack) => {
    if (Meteor.isDevelopment) {
      console.log('===== message =====', message);
      console.log('===== stack =====', stack);
      console.log(util.inspect(stack, false, null))

    return originalMeteorDebug.apply(this, arguments);

@s7dhansh - tell us if this works for you!

@MDG - hope this isn’t a permanent thing! It’s a huge thing not being able to debug server issues without a workaround.


Yes it does. Thank you!

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