Error: Mismatched anonymous define() module: [object Object]


Getting the following error: Mismatched anonymous define() module: [object Object] not sure why or how to fix it.
Using iron router to send me a variable via templateData and passing it into spacebars so that I can access that variable on the backend JS. Using this as a form of data context see below:

variable travels as follow:
Router -> HTML -> JS

//ROUTER Router.route('dataRoute', { data: function(){ templateData = { title: "apple" }; return templateData; } });

//HTML <template name="dataRoute"> {{pageInfo title} </template>

//JS Template.dataRoute.helpers({ pageInfo: function(department){ var currDept = department; return console.log("hello" + currDept); } });

remove that "department:" from template HTML

I just did that but still getting the error for some reason.