Error: No Iron.Layout found so you can't use yield!

My Meteor application seems to be working fine but I’m wondering why the browser console keeps reporting this error:

Error: No Iron.Layout found so you can't use yield!


    layoutTemplate: 'application_layout'

Router.onBeforeAction(function () {
	if (!Meteor.userId()) {
		// If the user is not logged in, render the login template.
		this.render('login', {to: 'login'});
	} else {;


<template name="application_layout">
	{{#if currentUser}}
		<div class="col-xs-2">left column</div>
		<div class="col-xs-8">{{> yield}}</div>
		<div class="col-xs-2">right column</div>
		{{> yield "login"}}

Hhmm, looks like I had a file named body.html like this:

	{{> application_layout}}

Apparently, templates are not to be included in the body tag. Commenting it out resolved the error:

	<!-- {{> application_layout}} -->

Love me some spaghetti code, mmmm