Error on migration from Meteor 2.14.0 to 3.0-beta.6

Hi guys, I just started to migrate an application from 2.14.0 version to 3.0-beta.6. I already did a lot of updates in some packages I use, and they are seeing fine. But I’m getting an weird error when I start the app. The line of that the error is indicating is a declaration of a global variable. I guess can be something easy to solve (at this moment I use a global variable for many things). CODE:

import SimpleSchema from "simpl-schema";

App = {}


> app@0.0.1 start
> meteor run --settings .deploy/dev/dev.settings.json

[[[[[ ~/Workspaces/sbb/color-admin ]]]]]      

=> Started proxy.                             
=> Started MongoDB.                           
I20240309-11:46:31.455(-6)? Meteor._wrapAsync has been renamed to Meteor.wrapAsync
W20240309-11:46:31.836(-6)? (STDERR) packages/core-runtime.js:205
W20240309-11:46:31.837(-6)? (STDERR)             throw error;
W20240309-11:46:31.837(-6)? (STDERR)             ^
W20240309-11:46:31.837(-6)? (STDERR) 
W20240309-11:46:31.837(-6)? (STDERR) ReferenceError: App is not defined
W20240309-11:46:31.837(-6)? (STDERR)     at module.wrapAsync.self (lib/_app.js:3:4)
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are you able to change:

App = {}


const App = {}

I would love to see a reproduction so that I can test it and maybe get into a solution for this package.

If I put const it is not more a global variable. I’m trying to create a reproduction code. For now, just in my project.

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Oh, if you use globalThis it could work from what I understand.

globalThis.App = {}