Error: Publish function can only return a Cursor or an array of Cursors

I’m getting error saying Exception from sub attachments id TvCprHujzARzH92vg Error: Publish function can only return a Cursor or an array of Cursors but what I see in my terminal is this is returning the FileCursor.

Here is the server side for publication

Meteor.publish('attachments', function (uuid) {
  check(uuid, Match.OneOf(String, null, undefined));
  if (!uuid) return this.ready();
  console.log('uuid - pub', uuid);
  return UserFiles.findOne({_id: uuid});

This shows

FileCursor {
  _fileRef: {
 _id: 'ecjkKo6k5pE9MiH36',
 name: 'mikhail-vasilyev-gGC63oug3iY-unsplash.jpg',
 extension: 'jpg',
 ext: 'jpg',

I don’t know if this matters but this returns the FileCursor not regular Cursor
Also, findOne() return a document but here I’m getting FileCursor

and console.log('uuid - pub', uuid) shows ecjkKo6k5pE9MiH36

This is the client side.

  const ready = useTracker(
    () => Meteor.subscribe('attachments', uuid).ready(),


Created a variable and returned that variable

Meteor.publish('attachments', function (uuid) {
  check(uuid, Match.OneOf(String, null, undefined));
  if (!uuid) return this.ready();
  const file = UserFiles.findOne({_id: uuid});
  return file;

Also, I tried to console UserFiles.find({_id: uuid}) and the output looks like this

FilesCursor {
    _collection: <ref *1> FilesCollection {
       _events: Events <[Object: null prototype] {}> {
       _handleUpload: [EE],
       _finishUpload: [EE]
     _eventsCount: 2,
     debug: false,
     schema: {
       _id: [Object],
       size: [Object],

It looks a little wried…

and returned that UserFiles.find({_id: uuid}); in publication, but I’m getting the same error

but this didn’t work. Is there any way I should try?

First, in a normal collection, you must use find() which returns a cursor instead of findOne() which returns a document.

Next, seems you are using a package related to file upload and UserFiles has been overridden with new functionalities.